Saturday, September 24, 2011

Floor Layout - Basic

I recommend using autobuild since it's faster than doing it yourself. Just remember to always Optimize your queu's of build once in a while so it would build by fastest time.

Once all buildings are in place, use autobuild to queu all of them and optimize by time. But I recommend upgrading the "1 - Farm, 1 - Sawmill, 1 - Quarry and 1 - Mine" to level 9 first before doing your city. Or you can just queu all your city building and these four farms as well and you must always re-optimize by time. it's very important that you do this a lot since you are just starting out the city. It allows you to get all you buildings up and running.

Remember to destroy what you no longer need in city 2 and city 3 like the alchemy lab, only once everything is done.

******** 1st City *******


4 - Cottages: 4 level 9 cottages should give you 18k of troops to use if autotrain - workers is set to 100%

1 - Embassy: Allows your castle to be reinforced. Each level is a slot open for reinforcement.

1 - Knight's Hall: Upgrade 'til 6 atleast so your knight's level grow at a decent pace. hire at least 15 knights once you have knights hall and as soon as you can hire.

1 - Blacksmith: I recommend upgrade 'til 6 as of now.

1 - Stable: Upgrade as high as you can.

1 - Workshop: Only upgrade everytime you want to upgrade you Wall.

1 - Alchemy lab: Upgrade 'til 6 so you can build other buildings.

1 - Rally point: Upgrade this as needed. 

1 - Watchtower: Upgrade 'til 8

1 - Relief Station: Upgrade 'til 3 or as needed. It's march speed

Tavern:  You do not need it but build it for quest achievements. Once done, destroy it

Storehouse:  You do not need it but build it for quest achievements and RESEARCH. Once done, destroy it

Market:  You do not need it but build it for quest achievements. Once done, destroy it

Barracks: Build the rest as barracks. The more you have, the faster and the more queu's you have.

Castle: As always, reaching level 5, you'll lose protection from attacks but not the mist. The higher the level the more field space you'll get. 

Wall: Getting to level 6 will give you good protection having able to defend by xbow.


1 - Farm

1 - Sawmill

1 - Quarry

Mine: Build the rest as mines 

This applies to all your cities when building the farms.

******** 2nd City *********


4 - Cottages: 4 level 9 cottages should give you 18k of troops to use if autotrain - workers is set to 100%

1 - Embassy: Allows your castle to be reinforced. Each level is a slot open for reinforcement.

1 - Knight's Hall: Hire at least 15 knights once you have knights hall and as soon as you can hire.

1 - Blacksmith: I recommend upgrade 'til 6 as of now.

1 - Stable: Upgrade as high as you can. 

1 - Workshop: Only upgrade everytime you want to upgrade you Wall. 

1 - Alchemy lab: Upgrade 'til 6 so you can build other buildings.

1 - Rally point: Upgrade this as needed.

1 - Watchtower:

1 - Relief Station: Upgrade 'til 3 or as needed. It's march speed

Tavern:  You do not need it but build it for quest achievements. Once done, destroy it

Storehouse:  You do not need it but build it for quest achievements and RESEARCH. Once done, destroy it

Market:  You do not need it but build it for quest achievements. Once done, destroy it

Barracks: Build the rest as barracks. The more you have, the faster and the more queu's you have.

Castle: Same from 1st 

Wall: Same from 1st


1 - Farm

1 - Sawmill

1 - Quarry

Mine: Build the rest as mines 

This applies to all your cities when building the farms.

******** 3rd City *********


4 - Cottages: 4 level 9 cottages should give you 18k of troops to use if autotrain - workers is set to 100%

1 - Embassy: Allows your castle to be reinforced. Each level is a slot open for reinforcement.

1 - Knight's Hall: Same from 1st and 2nd

1 - Blacksmith: Same from 1st and 2nd

1 - Stable: Same from 1st and 2nd

1 - Workshop: Same from 1st and 2nd

1 - Alchemy lab: Same from 1st and 2nd

1 - Rally point: Same from 1st and 2nd

1 - Watchtower: Same from 1st and 2nd

1 - Relief Station: Same from 1st and 2nd

Tavern: (Optional) You do not need it but build it for quest achievements. Once done, destroy it

Storehouse: (Optional) You do not need it but build it for quest achievements and RESEARCH. Once done, destroy it

Market: (Optional) You do not need it but build it for quest achievements. Once done, destroy it

Barracks: Build the rest as barracks. The more you have, the faster and the more queu's you have.

Castle: Same from 1st and 2nd

Wall: Same from 1st and 2nd


1 - Farm

1 - Sawmill

1 - Quarry

Mine: Build the rest as mines 

This applies to all your cities when building the farms.

Reaching 4th, you will not be needing alchemy lab, storehouse, tavern and market. Instead use the space for extra barracks and at this point you just do the same from 4th-7th city. Also, at this point some players no longer use Relief Station replacing it with barracks. Though for me, i still use them for all my cities so i could transport things fast from city to city. Same goes for Embassy, people replace them with barracks because they only need Embassy for their main it's totally your call.

******** 4th City *********


4 - Cottages: 4 level 9 cottages should give you 18k of troops to use if autotrain - workers is set to 100%

1 - Embassy: (Optional) Allows your castle to be reinforced. Each level is a slot open for reinforcement.

1 - Knight's Hall: Same from 1st, 2nd and 3rd

1 - Stable: Same from 1st, 2nd and 3rd

1 - Workshop: Same from 1st, 2nd and 3rd

1 - Rally point: Same from 1st, 2nd and 3rd

1 - Watchtower: Same from 1st, 2nd and 3rd

1 - Relief Station: Same from 1st, 2nd and 3rd

Barracks: Build the rest as barracks. The more you have, the faster and the more queu's you have.

Castle: Same from 1st, 2nd and 3rd

Wall: Same from 1st, 2nd and 3rd


1 - Farm

1 - Sawmill

1 - Quarry

Mine: Build the rest as mines 

This applies to all your cities when building the farms.

******** 5th City *********


4 - Cottages: 4 level 9 cottages should give you 18k of troops to use if autotrain - workers is set to 100%

1 - Embassy: (Optional) Allows your castle to be reinforced. Each level is a slot open for reinforcement.

1 - Knight's Hall: Same from 4th 

1 - Blacksmith: Same from 4th

1 - Stable: Same from 4th

1 - Workshop: Same from 4th

1 - Rally point: Same from 4th

1 - Watchtower: Same from 4th

1 - Relief Station: Same from 4th

Barracks: Build the rest as barracks. The more you have, the faster and the more queu's you have.

Castle: Same from 4th

Wall: Same from 4th


1 - Farm

1 - Sawmill

1 - Quarry

Mine: Build the rest as mines 

This applies to all your cities when building the farms.

******** 6th City *********


4 - Cottages: 4 level 9 cottages should give you 18k of troops to use if autotrain - workers is set to 100%

1 - Embassy: (Optional) Allows your castle to be reinforced. Each level is a slot open for reinforcement.

1 - Knight's Hall: Same from 5th

1 - Blacksmith: Same from 5th

1 - Stable: Same from 5th

1 - Workshop: Same from 5th

1 - Rally point: Same from 5th

1 - Watchtower: Same from 5th

1 - Relief Station: Same from 5th

Barracks: Build the rest as barracks. The more you have, the faster and the more queu's you have.

Castle: Same from 5th

Wall: Same from 5th


1 - Farm

1 - Sawmill

1 - Quarry

Mine: Build the rest as mines 

This applies to all your cities when building the farms.

******** 7th City *********


4 - Cottages: 4 level 9 cottages should give you 18k of troops to use if autotrain - workers is set to 100%

1 - Embassy: (Optional) Allows your castle to be reinforced. Each level is a slot open for reinforcement.

1 - Knight's Hall: Same from 6th

1 - Blacksmith: Same from 6th

1 - Stable: Same from 6th

1 - Workshop: Same from 6th

1 - Rally point: Same from 6th

1 - Watchtower: Same from 6th

1 - Relief Station: Same from 6th

Barracks: Build the rest as barracks. The more you have, the faster and the more queu's you have.

Castle: Same from 6th

Wall: Same from 6th


1 - Farm

1 - Sawmill

1 - Quarry

Mine: Build the rest as mines 

This applies to all your cities when building the farms.

KOCAttack - Extra Features!! + AutoCresting

Remember that cresting with this script is very risky with loses. I recommend using mm(1st wave) and archers(2nd wave) ONLY since they are easy to replace. Using this script requires you that you care less in archer loses and that you must have plenty of then. 400k-500k archers should be enough to get all your cities. I assure you that your troop loses will be worth it once you have all your cities. When cresting you MUST remember to open up all you rally point slots for use. This allows you to attack more wilds per hour and gives you higher percentage of gaining the crests that you need for your city.

The entire domain receives at least 50% of crest of the total number of wilds that exist in the domain per hour. The higher the lvl of wilds you're attacking, the higher that you will likely get one. You MUST remember that you must be attacking all type of wild. just follow the autocresting tutorial below. And remember that you must not forget the option setting which is directly below this statements I am writing.

Only 1 city should be cresting and all your archers should be there as well as the MMs. 4-6hrs of cresting will get all of your cities, well obviously automated cresting... all you have to do is leave your computer on.:) or continue cresting later when you can log back in to the game. Remember 4-6hr time given is only for those that leave there computer on all day(like me hehehe). But for those that logs off, I guarantee you that you will get your crest faster than autocrest from power bot. YOU JUST HAVE TO BE READY TO LOOSE 85% OF YOUR ARCHERS FROM 400K-500K that you have or will have.

if you have a lvl 9 rally point have this:
Level 9 wild
1st wave: 600MMs
2nd wave:90,000 Archers
you'll loose at least 3k-4k archers

if you have a lvl 10 rally point have this:
1st wave:600MMs
2nd wave:100,000 Archers
you'll at least 3k-4k archers

just take the loses, its worth it.

and so on...

All is RISKY but WORTH IT...

********* Option **********

You should have the following checked...

Attack Order: [ Closest targets first ]

Attack Type: [x]Camp [x]Wilderness  [ ]City [ ]Transport
   Have Camp and wilderness always checked when auto cresting.
Prioritise attacks for: ( )Camps ( )City ( )Transport ( )Wildernesses (x)None
   When auto cresting, set it to wilderness otherwise just leave it to none.
[ 5 ]seconds inbetween sending each attack
   Faster but risky when autocresting - mm sometimes takes long marches than 2nd wave
   but don't worry about it. You can change it to less or more seconds, personally I would
   prefer just 5 seconds.
Time inbetween sending to the same target...
    Attacking camp: [ 1 ]hrs
    Attacking wilderness: [ 1 ]hrs
    Attacking city: [ 12 ]hrs
    Transporting: [ 1 ]mins
    If transporting, try to keep at least[ 1000000  ]of each resource in each city (NEW)
[ 10 ]% random adjustment for all delays (to look more human).
    You can change it to 20% if you want.
[ 70 ]max distance away from city to attack/transport.
    You can set it to 75(max distance).
[ x ]Only launch attacks from city they were first launched from.

[ x ]Deselect knight when not in attack mode.

[ x ]Retry march if it has unknown/excess traffic error (press reload after changing this option).
     Very important when AutoCresting since you are sending multiple attacks!
[  ]Stop auto attack on impeding alert. (Will not restart auto after the attack. Use at your own risk)
Open up this URL (such as a link to a sound/video file) in a tab when we're under attack:
      This is optional but not recommended.
[                                                                ]

[ x ]Auto remove barbarian/wilderness attack reports.
       Always have this checked because you'll be flooded with reports from AutoCresting
[  ]Auto remove farm attack reports.

[ 10 ]attack reports to keep maximum in the attack dialog.

[  ]Disable viewing of reports, this will also disable collecting of reports for the attack page.

[ 75 ]% of idle population available before we auto train [ 95 ]% of max available.
To enable auto training, toggle the auto train button under a troop type in the barracks.
Note: If you auto train 100% of max population, you might sometimes encounter resource errors due to game caching.
[99    ]% happiness before we click auto gold.
To enable auto gold, toggle the auto gold button from inside your castle overview window.
[x]Disable the annoying "Invite Friends" popup dialog in-game.

[x]Automatically help alliance members with building/researching.

[x]Hide alliance help requests/reports in chat (if above is checked, then after helping).

[x]Automatically publish game popups (such as help requests) to facebook wall.
If above is checked, what privacy setting should we use?[Only Me] - up to you

[x]Automatically log back into domain if disconnected due to maintenance or server down-time.

[ ]Enable diagnostic logging in the Firefox error console messages window (useful if trying to debug a problem or if you are submitting details along with a bug report).

[20    ]seconds inbetween changing cities.

Cycle thru all the cities[2   ]times and then wait[20   ]secs before refreshing.

Cities to attack from: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

Import/Export: Paste or copy the settings here...

[Import] [Export]

[Save] [Cancel] [Reset options] [Reset all!] [Delete all stored attacks] [Delete transports]

If you notice anything odd about the attacks when you turn it on. just go back to "Options" and "Delete all stored attacks"  . Once clicked, it should refresh your game and all you have to do now is redo the bulking of your attack or the tutorial below.

********* Auto Cresting *********

***I don't know how to use the cresting option on BOT***
***I'll use my old way***
***You MUST have all Rally Point's slots available for use***

First, you need to search for wilderness using the BOT Search(easy enough):

Search for: Wilderness---Search style: Square---Radius: 60-70

Select city to search from...

Hit: Start Search

The levels of wilds you want to attack is totally up to you but i personally would recommend lvl. 9. Lvl 9 wild gives you all the crest that you need for all you cities. Just follow bellow and again wild levels are completely up to you.

---List Options:
Min.lvl: 8 or 9
Max.lvl: 8 0r 9 lvls 8&9 will give you greater chance of getting a crest.
Wild type: ALL
check: Unowned only(for obvious reasons)
Sort By: Distance
check: Coordinates only

But if you are starting out or prefer other levels to attack please do so just change the amount of troops that fits with the level you are attacking.

You can check the "CREST HUNTING" and "Barb & Wild Guide" Doc for wilderness guide...

The search will take a while since you are searching for all wilds(that includes plains btw) and only 250 coordinates can be shown until the whole search is done. Once the search is complete(remember to check coordinates only), copy all the coordinates(there should be a couple hundreds or maybe a thousand) and paste to a notepad or where ever use can keep it close for instant use.

Now, go to the city that you searched from:

Go to: 1st Wave
  • Rally Point
  • March Troops
            >Place the amount of militiamen(lvl8 = 300) for the wild you are attacking.
  • Bulk add coords
            >Check *overwrite existing attack if one already exist*
            >Type of Location: click *wilderness*
            >Check *This is an initial suicide wave....*
  • Then copy and paste the coordinates that you search. scroll down.
  • Click: Bulk Add

Once registering is done *DO NOT CLICK MARCH* you can either close it or just change a couple of things for 2nd wave attack. Just to be safe... here's second.

Go to: 2nd wave
  • Rally Point
  • March
            >Place The amount of Archers for the wild you are attacking
  • Bulk add coords
            >Check *overwrite existing attack....*
            >Type of Location: click *wilderness*
            >*DO NOT CHECK: This is an initial suicide wave....*
               Or just uncheck it if it is check, this is your 2nd wave.
  • Copy and paste coords again if not there already. scroll down.
  • Click: Bulk Add

***DO NOT CLICK MARCH*** just simply X-out or close or whatever you call it.:D

One more thing ***The "Option" button next to Auto Attack - on/off  view***
>Click options
 >Attack type: Check both "Camp" & "Wilderness"
This is very important. If wilderness is not check, once you turn on auto attack. There will be no actions, meaning the auto attack won't start.

This type of Cresting goes with the auto-attack. so once you are set--ready for cresting... just turn on the auto-attack to on.
It should be at top-left, under the TOOLS-BOT, right next to Options.:D

I guarantee you that you will get all your crest that you need for you 7 cities.
Within 4-6hrs straight of auto cresting you should get all of them.
requirements is:
- 400k-500k archers
- 100k-200k mms

Both are the same. lol:D

***You MUST have all Rally Point's slots available for use***

Open bot and search wilderness

Distance - up to you but around 30 clicks

Type - ALL wilds

** Make sure unowned is ticked***

Level will depend on what city you are cresting for just chose one level.

  • Sir Bor's Crest: Levels 5-7
  •  Sir Ector's Crest: Levels 5-7
  •  Sir Kay's Crest: Levels 5-8
  •  Sir Bedivere's Crest: Levels 6-8
  •  Sir Gawain's Crest: Levels 6-8
  •  Sir Percival's Crest: Levels 7-9
  •  Sir Galahad's Crest: Levels 7-9
  •  Sir Lancelot's Crest: Levels 7-9
  •  King Arthur's Crest: Levels 8-10
  •  Morgana's Seal: Levels 8-10
  •  Mordred's Seal: Levels 8-10
I highly suggest that you choose Lvl. 9 wilderness to attack because it will give you a very high percentage of getting a crest. Remember that crests does not choose a particular type wilderness but appears in all types.

Once you have searched tick the cords only box.
Highlight the cords and copy them. You can paste them into a notepad for safe keeping while you set up the next step.


>Click the rally point of the city you will be cresting from.
>Click March Troops tab.
>Press in the troops needed for the first wave.
>Scroll down to the brown [ bulk add cords] and press that.
>Paste the cords into the square box under it.
>Select the [ ] This is an initial suicide wave to wipe out traps on a wilderness.
   -- in the x and y bow enter the first cords of the wild cords you pasted.
>Scroll down and press the brown [ Bulk Add ] button.

** a pop up should come up with the number of cords you entered.**

 >close the rally point.


>Re open the rally point.
>Click march troops tab.
>Press in the troops needed for the second wave.
>Scroll down to the brown [ bulk add cords] and press that.
>Paste the cords into the square box under it.
>Select Type of Locations (All coordinates must match this type): WILDERNESS
 -- in the x and y bow enter the first cords of the wild cords you pasted.
>Scroll down and press the brown [ Bulk Add ] button.

** a pop up should come up with the number of cords you entered.**

>Close the rally point.
    STEP 3

>On the main screen select the yellow OPTIONS
>Attack type [ ] select wilderness.
>Prioritise attacks for wilderness also.
>15 seconds(or 5 sec.) in between sending each attack.
>Time in between sending to the same target...
>Attacking wilderness[ 1 ] hrs.

 -- up to you if you decide to auto remove wilderness attack reports.

>scroll down and press the blue SAVE button.

Click the auto attack ON!!

Barbarian Raids

Here's a great feature from Kabam. This feature was purposely added on KoC due to server crashes from players that uses scripts, specifically the KOCAttack - Extra Features or any other like it. Before the raids, players had to manually attack a wild/barb and each attack = 1 request from KoC server and less attacks = less request = no server crashes = less logs and less errors. Then there came scripts, which does not violate KoC game Policy.

Scripts allowed players to grow their might faster and easier though in return, KoC server is flooded with requests cause minor errors. Imagine this, there are atleast 1k-5k players in one domain and in that domain atleast half are using scripts. Each player sends atleast 60-75 attacks when "barbing" per minute, multiply that by 1hr, by 24hr and multiply that by the amount of script users and just the amount of that is enough to blow your mind. Then multiply that by how many domain there are that the server has to manage = BOOM! Server Crashes...

You get the idea. lol That's why raid were created, it only needs one request and it goes on for 24hrs before asking another.


Barbarian Camps:

Using Cavalry:

Level 1 Barbarian Camp - 2K Cavalry
Level 2 Barbarian Camp - 3K Cavalry
Level 3 Barbarian Camp - 6K Cavalry

Using Heavy Cavalry:

Level 1 Barbarian Camp - 1K Heavy Cavalry
Level 2 Barbarian Camp - 2K Heavy Cavalry
Level 3 Barbarian Camp - 4.5k Heavy Cavalry

Using Archers:

Level 1 Barbarian Camp - 500 Archers
Level 2 Barbarian Camp - 900 Archers
Level 3 Barbarian Camp - 2700 Archers (w/ L6 Fletching)
Level 4 Barbarian Camp - 6500 Archers (w/ L8 Fletching)
Level 5 Barbarian Camp - 15k Archers (w/ L8 Fletching)
Level 6 Barbarian Camp - 25k Archers (w/L9 Flecthing) - Or - 24k Archers (w/ L10 Fletching)
Level 7 Barbarian Camp - 55k Archers (w/L9 Fletching) - Or - 45k Archers (w/L10 Fletching)
Level 8 Barbarian Camp - 28k Ballista and 1 Archer (w/L10 Fletching) - Or - 35k Ballista (w/L9 Flecthing)
Level 9 Barbarian Camp - 45k Ballista and 45k Archers (w/L9 Fletching)

*********** Raids ************

I recommend training archers first when starting out and that all of your cities should be raiding.

Let's assume you don't have any troops yet and currently training archers. once you have enough archers to barb level 1, do so...fill you rally point with raids attacking level 1 but leave 1 slot open for transport/reassign purposes. once you have enough archers to move on to the next level - well...move on there hahah! and you just keep repeating the process untill you reach lvl 7 dont worry about lvl 9 yet. :)


First, look for the closest barb that you want to attack or you could use Search in Bot to find the closest.
Once found:

  1. Click the barb
  • Click Raid
  • Place the amount of archers needed for that barb level
  • Then Click "Raid and Save"
  • And you just repeat the process to fill in your rally point.

If you want to attack a new level of "barb" do the same process and fill in you rally point leaving 1 slot open.

Crest Hunting...

Level 5 - (lvl 6 Fletch)
Attack with = 50 traps / 2000 Archers
Woods = Bors -+1
Mountain = Bors

Level 6 - (Level 7 Fletching)
Attack with = 100 traps / 3500 Archers
Woods = Gawains +2
Mountains = Bedivere’s / Bor’s
Hill = Bor's
Lake = Bor’s

Level 7 - (Level 8 Fletching)
Attack with = 150 MM = 150 traps /1 MM & 5500 Archers
Woods = Ector +2 / Bor’s
Mountain = Gawain’s / Ector’s

Level 8 –300 traps
Attack with = (1 ballista 299 MM = 300 traps) 2,500 archers- 2,000 ballista = 0 loss
Woods = percival’s +4 /Ector’s +3 / Kay’s +9 / Bor’s +10/ Gawain’s +4 / Galahad’s +1 / Lancelot’s +3/ Bedivere’s
Mountain = Galahad +1 / Kay +4 / Ector’s +2 / Bor’s +6/ Gawain’s +2 / Bedivere’s +2/ Percival’s / Lancelot’s +1
Lake = Bor’s +1
Hills = Bedivere’s / Bor’s / Ector’s
Plains = Gawain’s
Grassland = Percivals

Level 9 –600 traps Attack with = (1 balista 599 MM = 600 traps) 5k archers - 4k balista = 0 loss
Woods = Bor’s +9 / Percival +5 / Kay’s / Ector’s +1 /Galahad’s +1 / Gawain’s +1/ Bedivere’s +2
Mountain = Bor’s +4 / Galahad’s +4 / Bedivere’s +4 / Gawain’s +4 / Ector’s +4 / Kays +1 / Percival’s / Bor’s
Hills = Bors +2 / Galahad +1 / Bedivere’s +1 / Percival’s +1 / Kay’s / Gawain’s / Lanceot / Ector’s
Plain = Lancelot +1 / Ector’s / Kay / Gawains

Power Bot Infos/Tutorials

********** Tower **********

Click Bot
 >Click Tower

Once open, under "Tower Alerts" shows all your cities.

    Ex. Vildremwich I    -  Your city name
           Def = ON/OFF   -  Defending switch - Just click on it and will turn "ON" or "OFF"
           A0 / S0              -  Defending Status

 - "A0 / S0" - If you click on will show you the amount of troops you have in that city only.
   It also shows Incoming attack to that city if you are underattack.

Under "Configuration" section of the Tower, you should have the following checked off(marked by [x]).


    [ ]Text message incoming attack to:    (Standard text messaging rates apply)


    [x]Automatically post incoming attacks to alliance chat.

            Message Prefix: **I'm being attacked!**

          Alert on scouting: [x]

        Alert on wild attack: [ ]  - Your choice to check

       Display defend status: [x]

       Minimum # of troops: 1000   - Number of your choice

    [ ]Stop raids on impending.    - I don't recommend. hahaha

    [x]Play sound on incoming attack/scout

       Sound file:

         Volume:       100    Loaded

              [x]Repeat every _1_ minutes

                 Play for _5_ seconds

*********** Auto Build ***********

Click Bot
 >Click Build

  •  First, "Auto Build" Should be off. Turn on "Build Mode" and you can always choose your Build type.
            Lvl up, Lvl Max and destruct.:) for the sake of this tutorial lets pick "Lvl Max" :D

  • Close Bot and go to the cities that needs to build lvl 1(2,3,etc) structures to max lvl. Just simply click all the buildings you need to build, or want to build. Remember to click the building just one time. You dont want to have it rebuild twice, not literally but it does 'cause errors(not bad errors, just minor like confusing the Bot script:D).

  • Once everything is "clicked" to build from all your cities, reopen Bot and you should be in build. At the bottom, It shows all your city names and under it has two buttons that says "Show" and "Cancel All."

  • Click "Show" and you should see all your Build Queu's.
                - Click "Optimize by Time" and you should do this to all you cities. Also, once in awhile you should re-Optimize by Time because it Usually scramble itself(the build times), so once in a while you need to click re-optimize.

  •  Finally you can choose to check "Ask for Help" to the alliance and once set and done just turn off the "Build Mode" and turn on "Auto Build." And there you have it.

********* Reassign ***********

Click Bot
 >Click Reassign

Under "ADD REASSIGN ROUTE" section.

     - From City:   [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

     - To City:        [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

    Time inbetween to check reassign:_1_minutes - time of your choosing - Tho i'd set it to 1min
     [ ] Lock troops value

    Fill in the number of troops you want to keep in a city:

     Supply Troop          Militiaman          Scout          Pikeman
      [] ---                [] ---              [] ---         [] ---

     Swordsman             Archer              Cavalry        Heavy Cavalry
      [] ---                [] ---              [] ---         [] ---

     Supply Wagon          Ballista            Battering Ram  Catapult
      [] ---                [] ---              [] ---         [] ---

This is what you would usually see. If not, I don't know what the hell is going on. lol!
Anyways, lets get back to business...

  •  Players tend to attack with one city or so-called "Main City" . So they set the rest of their cities to reassign to Main.

   Let's say your main city is city "#2" and we are trying to reassign all troops there from
   other cities you have and/or will be producing from your other cities. In this case city "#1"

          > First, you'll have to click City "#2" in "To City:" , then from "From City:" ,
            Click city "#1" . and let's say you're reassigning all you Scout from city "#1"
            to city "#2"

            Check Scout and set the number to "0" , meaning you'll leave zero amount of scouts
            in that city, reassigning them to city "#2" . Then just click "Add Route"
            If you want to reassign all you troops and leaving nothing in that city, just check
            all troop trypes and set the number to "0" . Then just click "Add Route"

            Just do the same for your other cities if you have a main.

  • Other Players have certain amounts of troops they want to leave in each of their cities while at the same time being able to reassign troops that are newly produced/made to other cities - vise versa. (I do this :D)

   Let's say you want to leave exact 500k of each troops you have in city "#2" and transfer the extra troops to
   the other city you are trying to do the same to, let's say city "#1" .

          > First, you'll have to click "From City:" "#2" , and Click "To City:" "#1" . Then in troops,
            check all the trooop type and set the number to "500000" . Which means once that troop type reaches
            500k, any excess troops will be reassign to city "#1" .

            And you can repeat the same process once city "#1" reaches the troop amount you set to other cities.

If you want to delete the reassignments just click "Show Routes" and from there, you can delete them or edit them
from there.

Just tweek/play with this once you get the hang of this feature of Power Bot. If you have any questions please
don't hesitate to ask/message me.

********* Reinforce ************

Click Bot
 >Click Reinforce

From City: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

To City:   [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]        OR  X:[  ]       Y:[  ]

Distance: --.--     Reinforce ETA: --s           Food:[   ]Max

    Fill in the number of troops you want to keep in a city:

     Supply Troop          Militiaman          Scout          Pikeman
      [] ---                [] ---              [] ---         [] ---

     Swordsman             Archer              Cavalry        Heavy Cavalry
      [] ---                [] ---              [] ---         [] ---

     Supply Wagon          Ballista            Battering Ram  Catapult
      [] ---                [] ---              [] ---         [] ---

          [ --Choose a Knight-- ]                        [ Reinforce ]

Reinforcing is quite simple, just like going to rally point but even more simplier. Let's get started...

          > First, Let's say you want to reinforce you city "#1" from your other cities. Click "From City:" "#2"
            and click "To City:" "#1" . Let's say you want to reinforce it with scout for anti-scouts purposes...

            You can choose the amount of troops you want to send or just click "Max" . Then all you have to do
            is click "Reinforce" at the bottom. You can also choose to send a knight when reinforcing.

You can also use this tool to reinforce your fellow members.

          > All you have to do is click a city from "From City:" (which ever city you have troops and would use
            to reinforce) and at the "To City:" you just have to go where it says "OR" and right next to it says
            X:[   ]    Y:[   ]. all you have to do is type or copy and paste their coordinate there. Then just
            Click "Reinforce" .

********* Search **********

Click Bot
 >Click Search

Search for:[Barb Camp]   Search style:[Sqaure]
           [Wilderness]               [Circle]

        At: X=[ ] Y=[ ]  Radius:[ ]  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

        Or: Search entire province:[ --provinces-- ]

                                           [Start Search]

Search for Barbarians
Center: ---,--- Distance: --


Min. Level to show:[ ]
Max. Level to show:[ ]
           Sort By:[Distance]
  Coordinates only:[ ]


  • Its pretty simple to use this feature of power bot. You just have to choose what you are searching for like barb camps. In search style you can choose either square or circle, the difference is you can find more using Circle (Makes sense hahaha duh, anyways...) style.

  • The Max search for radius  is "75" - you can choose however far you want to seach

  • You dont have to select any provinces but if you can't find anything around your city, then you can choose to select a province closer to your province.

  • If you are searching for certain barb/wild level, once you click search, under "LIST OPTIONS" put whatever level number in "Min. level to show" and the same number goes the same for "Max. level to show" .

---Just toy with it a little bit until you get the hang of it.:D

********* Gifts ***********

Click Bot
 >Click Gift

As of now Gifts feature is not working since since Kabam has disabled it until further notice. They are fixing
some bugs and patching things because of the recent even that occured. Apparently, the recent event about
gifting DI, etc... has been going on before the actual leak which would have explain why other players have
more DIs used than anyone. Which other players refer to them as hackers. lol:D

********* Crest **********

Click Bot
 >Click Crest

[Crest = OFF]    [HELP]    [ ]Send Crest report every[1 ]hours

Crest from city: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

Wild coords: X:[ ] Y:[ ]

Wave 1:

Wave 2:

I apologize I cannot provide you a tutorial for this feature since I never use this. I usually use
KOCAttack - Extra Features!

But I'd really appreciate if someone can add one here for me. Thanks in advance!:D

********* Transport ***********

Click Bot
 >Click Transport

Time inbetween to check transport: [1] minutes
Dont send transport out if less then [100] troops are needed. (Needless transports are skipped this way)
If the "trade" amount is 0 then it will transport the max amount above "keep". Gold only if there is space left...

From City: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

To City:     [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]         OR X:[  ]     Y:[  ]

TroopType:[Supply Wagon]     Troops Available: ---,---     Global Carry Amount: --,---,---,---
Troops:   [0       ]Max      [<----]           Resources:0/0 (Troops Needed: 0)

Food:  ---,---,---,---        ----     [ ]Keep:[0    ]                 Trade:[0    ]Max
Wood:  --,---,---,---        ----     [ ]Keep:[0    ]                 Trade:[0    ]Max
Stone: --,---,---,---         ----     [ ]Keep:[0    ]                 Trade:[0    ]Max
Ore:   ---,---,---,---         ----     [ ]Keep:[0    ]                 Trade:[0    ]Max
Gold:  ---,---,---,---         ----     [ ]Keep:[0    ]                 Trade:[0    ]Max

                                   [Add Route] [Manual Transport]

Just like reassigning troops goes the same for transport.

If you want to transport a certain type of resource you must check it and have a "Keep" amount.
The "Trade" part is what it will send at a time or the maximum it will send at a time.

    Example: Transport "From City" "#1" to "To City" "#2" . Food**

        From City: [ #1 ]

        To City:   [ #2 ]

        TroopType:[Supply Wagon]     Troops Available: ---,---     Global Carry Amount:--------
        Troops:   [0       ]Max      [<----]           Resources:0/0 (Troops Needed: 0)

        Food:40,000,000,000   [x]Keep:[ 10,000,000 ]      Trade:[5,000,000]Max

This means that it will keep 10mil food in that city and will be trading 5mil into the other city, subtracting it from 40mil. Once the city has only 10mil food left, it will no longer send any food. But if your city produces any extra from raids it will automatically send it. And so on...

Now all you have to do is click "Add Route" Then click "Transport = off" to "Transport = On" .

If you wanna delete the transport again you can just click "Show Routes" and delete it from there.

If you still have trouble, please ask/message me. Thanks:)

********* Options ***********

Click Bot
 >Click Options

You should have the following checked off.

Power Bot Config:
[x]Enable window drag (move window by dragging top bar with mouse)
[x]Remember window open state on refresh
[x]Hide window when clicking on map coordinates
[x]Enable widescreen style: [WideScreen] >> (all domains, requires refresh)

KofC Features:
[x]Disable all Fairie popup windows
[x]Refresh if KOC not loaded within 1 minute (all domains)
[x]Refresh KOC every 30 minutes -------------------------------- time of your choosing
[x]Put chat on right (requires wide screen)
[x]Use WideMap (requires wide screen)
[x]Auto collect gold when happiness reaches [--]%
[  ]Enable Food Alert (On less then 6 Hours of food checked every hour)

Extra Features:
[x]Help alliance build/research posts
[x]Hide alliance requests in chat
[x]Auto publish Facebook posts for [Only Me] >>>> (For all domains)
[x]Show Player & Might in map.
[x]Auto delete barb/transport reports from you
[x]Auto delete transport reports to you
[  ]Auto delete wild reports

********* Spam *********

Click Bot
 >Click Spam

Spam is very simple to use. Let's say we are going to spam/advertise in global for recruiting purposes

First, Type your spam or leave the default which is, "Join my Alliance!!" then if you want to start
sending it to global, you should change "Send To Alliance" into "Send To Global" by clicking on it
once. Once its done, just simply click "Spam off" and it will turn to "Spam On"

You can also change the minutes of which it will resend another spam. Usu. 10minutes...

********* Resources **********

Click Bot
 >Click Resources
  >Click "Fetch User List"
  >Select City where you want the resources to go.
  >Select what type of resources you want to recieve(for me always Ore:D).
  >Click "All" then Click "Accept Resources"

Basically the same as visiting a friend's Court.

********** Raid **********

Click Bot
 >Click Raid
  >Turn on "Auto Reset"

It shows your current raids from each city. you can also delete raids from
here only once all raids have been stopped or if you stopped one raid and decided to delete it

********** Auto Train **********

Click Bot(Top left screen corner)
 >Click AutoTrain

 - Check the boxes of the cities you want troops to train or check them all if you want all
   your cities to train.

 - Next to your City Name says "--Select--" , select the troop type you want to train.
   For me, I train the same troop type in each of my city, faster to get them that way.

 - Choosing the Min. and Max. troops is up to you and it also depends on the troop type you want
   to train.

   ex. "check" "Vildremwich I" "HCav" "Min. 500" "Max. 501"
       >>>I do this because they take forever to make and since I'm always online I don't
          need to worry about training again just to fill the que's. Min. and Max. train
          depends on you.:D

 - "Use Workers" Should be set to 100% so you can use your entire population making troops.
   Dont worry about population going negative. It's just better that way lol.:D

 - Finally, dont worry about the resource part, just leave it be.:) resources are plenty within
   the alliance so you can always ask for it.:)

   After everything is set and done, just turn on the AutoTrain to easier life. lol:D

********* Log **********

Click Bot
 >Click Log

As simple as it sounds, as simple as it works. lol
all it does is create log of everything you do such as train, build, etc...
simple as that. hahaha! nothing special...

********* Chat **********

Click Bot
 >Click Chat

    [ ]Enable chat functions
    [ ]Enable password:[  ]          [ ]Auto blacklist players if 1st attempt fails
    [ ]Allowed Players:[          ]
                                            Blacklisted Players

Type "/[Player] units?" to get a unit count
Type "/[Player] attacks? to get impending attacks
Player name is cAsE-SeNsItIvE

This is a very unique tool, in which you can see other player's troops total number as well as the
impending attacks.

All you have to do is check the following:

    [x]Enable chat functions
    [ ]Enable password: ******     -   optional i think

Next, type the name of the player(s) you want to allow to see you troop count. Just remember that the names cAsE-SeNsItIvE.

Remember that it only work if the person allows you to view their troop counts...

Power Tools Infos/Tutorials

********* Overview **********

1. Resources

  • Shows all your resources and troops that you have in each city as well as showing the total number of resources and troops that you have.

  • Shows City name, coordinates of each city, province of each city, defending status of each city, food +/-, and food left. Also shows wilds that you have in each city, knights, troops and wall ques.

2. Troops

  • Shows similar informations as "Resources"

3. Buildings

  • Shows all your buildings status

4. Info

  • Give you link information sites to scripts(Power Bot, Power Tools, Greasemonkey, etc...)

  • Shows your crest info(how many you have and how many you need)

  • Shows build cost, troop status and upkeep of each troop.

********* Marching **********

1. Incoming

  • Shows incoming attacks from hostile or just attackers

2. Marching

  • Shows all current marching troops, raids, or encamped, etc...

3. Reinforced

  • Shows encamped troops that are at each of your embassies

********* Train ***********

City: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

Troop Types:[Supply Troop] (Max -----)     Build Defenses:(Max:0  Owned:9516)

# of Troops to Train:[0 ] (Max -)          # of Def to Build:(Max 0)

    Barracks:[1 ] (Max 0)              Space(Wall):( Max 9)
        [x]Use Workers             Wall (Current Level): 9
        [--- Speed Up ---]         Wall Defense: 22500/22500
                       Field Defense: 22500/22500
                [ Train Troops ]           [ ---Speed Up--- ]
                           [ Build Defenses ]

  • Here's a great feature of the power tools which allows you to both train troops as well as wall defenses in one feature.In order for this to properly work, you must remember to check "Use Workers" .

  • Allows you to delete queu's of troops as well as wall defenses queu's in each city.

Please message me if I need to add something else. Thanks

********* Map *********

- Shows all the provinces that there is in the this domain and also shows where your cities are in the map

********* Player *********

Search for User: [   ] [Find User][UID]
Search for alliance: [   ] [Find Alliance]
                                Estimated Arrival:
[Alliances] [NEW PEOPLES ARMY]                    [--Select--]

  • Here you can search for a particular person or alliance.

  • You can also find a player's other domains here by using their "UID" number. Once name is found, just click the number under "UID" . it should lead you to a new tab. It's a KOC Mapper.

  • You can also list all alliance here by clicking "Alliances" just like in-game alliance. Though you can view more things comparing to the in-game one. Here, it shows their might, lvls of castle, etc...

  • You can also view your own alliance's members and find out who's online.

  • Allows you to see if online status when searching for a particular person.

  • Allows you to see ETA of each troop type to a certain person's coordinate.

  • Allows you to see ETA of each troop type from each of your city to a certain coordinate.

********* Knight **********

  • Shows all your Knights and their status. Levels, Salaries and Roles.

  • In this feature of Power Tools you can *assign skills* easily than having to go to the Knight's Hall itself and go from there.

********* Wilds **********

  • Shows all you wilds from each of your city as well as traps and mercenaries that you hire *Hire Veterans as soon as possible as well as all traps, set them all when you can*

********* Options **********

  1. Options

  • You should have the following checked off.

[x]Enable window drag (move window by dragging top bar with mouse)
[x]Hide window when clicking on map coordinates.
[x]Show 'food left' in RED if food will run out in less than[ 24 ]hours, does NOT affect the food alert anymore!
[ ]Enable Tower food alert. (Warning set to 6 hours, checked every 30min.)
[x]Enable sound alert on whisper (NEW)
[x]Enable sound alert on tower alert in chat (NEW)

KofC Features:
[x]Enable enhanced Alliance Reports.
[x]Allow other scripts to change format of Alliance Reports.
[-]Enable enhanced messaging ("forward" and "all officers" buttons).
[x]Enhanced page navigation for messages and reports.
[-]Warn if attempting to march to location 0,0.
[x]Enable GMT clock next to "Camelot Time"
[x]Enable target city picker in attack dialog (reinforce, reassign and transport)
[x]Display # of rounds in battle reports
[x]Enable delete button when displaying battle report

KofC Bug Fixes:
[x]Fix tower report to show exact target (city, wild or invalid)
[-]Fix map to show distances from currently selected city, instead of always the first city.
[-]Fix false attack alerts created from scouting missions.
[x]Do not automatically select a knight when changing march type to scout, transport or reassign
[x]Keep map coordinate box/bookmarks on top of troop activity

      2.   Layout

         - Layout:

[x]Enable Chat Enable Chat enhancements (clickable coords, click on icon to whisper, colors).
[x]Enable Global background color.
[x]Enable Whisper in Red Font.
[ ]Enable Chat in Bold Font.
[x]Enable Red background on tower alert.
[x]Enable background for alliance Leaders. (NEW)

         - Colors:

  • It's up to you. Only you can see it anyways...

Chat Color - Global:
Chat Color - Leaders:
General - Title:
General - Dark Row:
General - Button Selected:
General - Tab Clicked:
General - Tabs:
Overview - Dark Rows:

********* Reports **********

  • Allows you to see reports in the alliance. Also, it allows you to see reinforcement troop amount(not an error like in the game report)

  • If you want to see reinforcements, just set both "Attacker:" and "Target:" to "Us" then check "Reinforce" and click "Start Search" .

********* Alliance ************

  • Shows the list of all members in the alliance(your alliance) as well as list of your alliance diplomaties.

  • Take a look and play with it... lol!:D

Offensive Attack Trick

A) OVERLOAD ENEMY TOWER TRICK: a tower can handle 19 attacks, anymore incoming than that and the extra attacks aren't noticed and posted. So you can sneak big attacks in behind 19 smaller ones!

B) RAINBOW ATTACK TRICK: send 1 of each troop type with a load of archers or cats/rams or bals/rams. Each troop is equal to about 1 extra round for your main troops to fire and thus get lots more kill (some confusion on forums whether this works). i.e. 1 ST, 1 MM, 1 Scout, 1 Pike, 1 Sword, 1 Cav, 1 HC, 1 Wagon, and then your main ranged units.

C) KILL HORSES TRICK: send 1 siege with a load of pikes and archers will trigger hv and cav to come out of the castle killing lots of horses. Works if the seige unit you send will set the range (ie. you send Cat and defender only has Bals; you send Bals and defender only has XBows or Archers; or you send same siege they have BUT you have better Fletching level!)

D) KILL SCOUTS TRICK: just like KILL HORSE TRICK, but you send 1 siege with a load of MM. Same conditions about what siege to send apply (you must have better range then target, or send more MM then they have in unit numbers of their best siege).

E) DEFENDING V.S. SIEGE TIP: HC and Cav on defense kill lots of siege, even if you don't win the battle. Against attacking CATs, to win the minimum defending needs to be 320K Cav or 220k hc, per 100K Cats attacking. Nearly all horses will be lost, but this is a good trade-off for build-time losses! Against attacking BALs, to win the minimum defending needs to be 200K Cav or 160k hc, per 100K Bals attacking. Nearly all horses will be lost, and this is about a break even trade-off if HC are used (good trade-off if Cav are used) for build-time losses.
IF RAM's ARE SENT WITH ATTACKING SIEGE, YOU WILL NEED ADD ~ABOUT~ 200K Cav OR 150K HC, per 10K RAM sent, so that horses can kill the RAM in a single round and thus keep losses to a minimum.

F) DEFENDING WITH MM TIP: 2 mill MM will kill 150K bals, and 3 mill MM will kill 150K cats, when MM on defense. Although nearly every other troops will get targeted before MM are, so this works best if it is a MM only wall v.s. siege (minimal amounts of other troops). Of course doing this may open your city to attacks from other troop types, like 200 K HC wave.

G) STACKING COMBAT BOOSTS TIP: you can stack furies and stack skins of different types to increase bonuses (i.e. 50% and 20% attack boosts stack to create 70% boosts; same for defense boosts). UNTESTED.

MM to Swords are low-level troops. Archers to HC are mid-level troops. Bals/Cats are high-level troops. Cities defended by low-level troops are best attacked with mid-level troops
Cities defended by mid-level troops (and low-level troops) are best attacked high-level troops.
MM are best used to kill scouts, traps and caltrops
Swords are useless, imo.

Barb & Wild Guide

Factors you should consider when attacking a barb camps are the research levels of your Fletching, Metal Alloys, Poisoned Edge and Healing Potions - Fletching being the most important and aim for a L9 (or 10) asap.

Barbarian Camps:

Using Cavalry:

Level 1 Barbarian Camp - 2K Cavalry
Level 2 Barbarian Camp - 3K Cavalry
Level 3 Barbarian Camp - 6K Cavalry

Using Heavy Cavalry:

Level 1 Barbarian Camp - 1K Heavy Cavalry
Level 2 Barbarian Camp - 2K Heavy Cavalry
Level 3 Barbarian Camp - 4.5k Heavy Cavalry

Using Archers:

Level 1 Barbarian Camp - 500 Archers
Level 2 Barbarian Camp - 900 Archers
Level 3 Barbarian Camp - 2700 Archers (w/ L6 Fletching)
Level 4 Barbarian Camp - 6500 Archers (w/ L8 Fletching)
Level 5 Barbarian Camp - 15k Archers (w/ L8 Fletching)
Level 6 Barbarian Camp - 25k Archers (w/L9 Flecthing) - Or - 24k Archers (w/ L10 Fletching)
Level 7 Barbarian Camp - 55k Archers (w/L9 Fletching) - Or - 45k Archers (w/L10 Fletching)
Level 8 Barbarian Camp - 28k Ballista and 1 Archer (w/L10 Fletching) - Or - 35k Ballista (w/L9 Flecthing)
Level 9 Barbarian Camp - 45k Ballista and 45k Archers (w/L9 Fletching)


Level 1 Wilderness - 50 Archers
Level 2 Wilderness - 5 mm, 1 mm + 100 Archers.
Level 3 Wilderness - 10 mm, 1 mm + 260 Archers.
Level 4 Wilderness - 20 mm, 1 mm + 650 Archers.
Level 5 Wilderness - 50 mm, 1 mm + 1,500 Archers (Level 6 Fletching) OR 2500 Archers.
Level 6 Wilderness - 100 mm, 1 mm + 3,500 Archers (Level 7 Fletching) OR 5000 Archers.
Level 7 Wilderness - 150 mm, 1 mm + 7,500 Archers (Level 8 Fletching) OR 12,000 Archers.
Level 8 Wilderness - 299 mm + 1 Ballista, 2 - 10000 Archers + 800 Ballistas (lvl 9 Fletching)
Level 9 Wilderness - 599 mm + 1 Ballista, 2 - 13000 Archers + 1200 Ballistas (lvl 9 Fletching)
Level 10 Wilderness - 1200 mm, 45,000 Archers + 45,000 Ballistas (lvl 9 Fletching)
Level 8 Wilderness - 299 mm + 1 Ballista, 9000 Archers + 900 Ballista
Level 9 Wilderness - 599 MM + 1 Ballista, 13000 Archers + 900 Balllista
Level 10 Wilderness - 1199 MM + 1 Cat, 35000 archers + 2500 Cat

Offensive Training

SUPPLY TROOPS … Useless other then able to dodge spikes but you have to maintain huge numbers of them to haul anything major. And spikes can be cleared with small numbers of hc.

MM … only good at clearing traps, caltrops, and sometimes walls. To clear traps send one MM per trap 100% loss Caltrops send 2 mm per trop 100% loss For bows you have to send 9 mm per bow normal loss is 8 per bow !

PIKES .. Excellent secret weapon ;-) when used right. They are great to kill HC on defend and strip walls of bows on attack but here is the keys to using pikes in both .
Defend.. You have to have equal or greater numbers of pikes to the hc attacking and you have to have equal the numbers of archers as you do pikes to be effective. If 100k hc is attacking you and you have 100k pike and 100k archers you will kill 100% of there hc for a loss of only your pikes. If this is done on a wall with cross bows. If your fighting these hc and there is no bows there you have to have 2x the number pikes to the hc with equal number of archers as pikes to have that 100k pike loss against 100k hc without that doubel you will loose 100% all troops and enemy will only loose 40k hc

Attack.. If you send pikes to attack an UNDEFENDED wall send pikes at 3x pikes per bow but you have to send equal numbers of swords for this to work and you will loose 1.5 pikes per bow. But all field defenses must be cleared first. IF YOU DO NOT SEND EQUAL NUMBERS OF SWORDS THIS WILL NOT WORK.

SWORDS… Ok these are best on defend along with archers. They help defend against archer attack . But if you have 50k swords and 100k archers on defend with a wall and bows and your being attacked by 100k archers you will kill there archers for about a 50k archer loss yourself if you was fighting with only the archers the enemy archers would kill all your archers and breach your walls. If you send swords alone against crossbows you have to send 5-1 to be really effective and will loose about 2 swords per bow so pikes are cheaper still to send with the swords for then you wil only loose the pikes

ARCHERS … seems to be no changes other then if your defending with archers you really need to have at least 2x the number attacking or more and still take a nice loss unless you really outnumber the attacker. But if you have half the attacking force in swords with double the swords in archers you can defend and only take half the archer loss without loss to your swords. On attack have to send 2 archers per troop maining the walls and against a wall of bows alone you have to send 4 archers per bow. However you take a 2.5 arcehr loss per bow on average so the pike sword combo still cheaper to replace.

REGULAR CAVALRY… Great for barbing levels 1-3 and fast transport and fast farmer for undefended cities I recommend using them as support troops only not on attack missions for on a wall of bows you have to send 3 reg cav per bow and take a loss of about 1.5 reg cav per bow so pikes are much much cheaper to replace there. They are usless on defend other then they die!

HEAVY CALVALRY … The queen of attacks. As long as your not attacking a target with pikes. When sending to clear spikes 1 hc will clear out 50 spikes so a small handfull just to clear spikes is a great advantage and then you can send in wagons to mop up after. When attacking a wall of bows make sure your sending at least 2 hc per bow and you will take a 1 hc loss per bow if that is all your sending . However if they are not defending and you send in 90-125k hc on a maxed 9-10 wall you will only take a 4-5k hc loss if you outnumber them that much. With 90-125k hc you can attack a city with 200k archers and a maxed 9 wall and only take about 18k hc loss which is not bad ratio to the other persons losses considering you would need to send in 2 waves of 100k archers with frist wave total loss and second about 25k loss to do the same so hc is supreme in that however , if the defender has more then 25% your hc force in pike DO NOT ATTACK WITH HC your losses will be way way to high to justify.

BALLISTA .. Ok has two good uses attack and defend. Now there is the key to ballsita . On attack 100k ballista will kill 250k archers on the wall. On a undefended wall 100k ballista till take out maxed level 10 of bows for a 18% loss so better to send in hc instead. Ballsita kills archers first! On and attack. Against other seige weapons ballista needs to be send in 2 x the number of defenders on defend 65k ballista with level 10 fletch can withstand unlimited numbers of graound troops forever attacking and never loose a single ballista. However HC, Ballista, Catapults can kill the defending ballista. Nothing else will.

BATTERING RAMS … Good for one thing only .. On atack or defend …. TO DIE NEVER MAKE THEM

CATAPULTS … Great on attack against ballista but you have to send equal cats to ballista on defend to make a real real however if you send in 25k cats against 100k ballista on defend the 25k cats will kill 13k ballista

Order troops dies no matter what

Regular Cav
Heavy Cav

Unless you send in certain troop mixes such as HC will kill pikes first. And cats will kill ballsita and archers first .

Some more good info to look thru...

3 pikemen kill 1 heavy cavalry
2 pikemen kill 1 cavalry
1 scout destroys 4 caltrops
1 militia klls 1 trap, as do most units, except siege engines.
1 ballista kill 5 traps and rams kill 10 traps.
1 swordsmen kills 2 archers
4 swordsmen kill 1 wall-mounted crossbow, but send a 1:4 ratio of pikemen:swords when going against crossbows, the pikemen will draw the fire of the crossbows while the swords rush in and destroy the crossbows
when hitting a wall that has ONLY wall mounted crossbows with heavy cavalry send 10k scouts with them. the scouts draw the fire. 2 heavy cavalry destroy 1 crossbow
1 catapult kills about 4 crossbows
1 ram kills 3 crossbows


The best defence is a layered defence.

When the bad guys show up they will attack the first thing that comes to them. That means the fastest troops will be the first to fight.

The fastest troop is the scout. Followed by the regular Calvary, after them heavy cavalry, then pike, then sword, and archers.

Now because scouts have no attack and no defense they are quick to die. Calvary is not much better when it comes to attacking or defending but they are a help if you know how to use them.

The reason why the layer defence works so well is as follows…

The bad guys come running at you and your troops run at them… the first thing that the bad guys run into is your scouts (cuz they ran the fastest)… they attack your scouts and kill them… you then attack with your ranged troops (archers and balli) and your Xbows… The bad guys lose a bunch of troops and move forward.. then then run into your Calvary and kill them you now get a second round to attack with your ranged troops and Xbows.. if u have any field defences then you would have gotten even one more round of attacks before the bad guys reach your walls or archers.

Now it does not matter if you have 1 scout or 5000 scouts running out to stop the bad guys… the result is the same… the bad guys have to stop and kill all the scouts before they can advance and kill your walls… the following is used to take out maximum troops with the fewest losses as possible.

If u see an attack coming pull all your scouts and reg Calvary from that city EXCEPT 1 of each… move these extra scouts and horses to your closest city not under attack…as soon as the first wave has hit your city return 1 of each (scout and Calvary) back to that city so you are ready for the next wave of bad guys.

By doing this it does few things for ya.

1- By having a scout running out to meet the bad guys it gives your archers a free round of attacks. The Calvary also gives you a free round of attacks… (Okay not free each round cost you troops but they are cheap troops)

2- Scouts are fast and run along ways thus pushing the battle further away from your city and if they sent slower troops at you then your archers will get extra rounds of attacks as their men try and make the long distance to your city.

3- By removing all but 1 scout and 1 Calvary from your city you have limited your losses to next to nothing and maximised your killing ability
Supply Troops
You need them until you can build supply wagons, after than they are useless, slow and not worth having

They are just about useless. They are slow and eat a lot. Scouts cost more than MM but MM eat more. I have known player that use MM to take out traps and also use MM to kill scouts if someone is defending… there are better ways to do both.

They are used to look at other cities and most already know this but they are also good at other things as well. If someone is scouting you the only way to stop them and kill their scouts is is you are defending with more scouts than them.
I also use scouts for 2 other things. First I use scouts to take out traps. 1 scout per trap, now you can use MM or Supply troops or any other troops you have to take out traps but the scouts are faster than anything else and you can send your main attacking right away… I hate telling the bad guys I am coming and give them extra time.
The other thing I use scouts for is defence.. keep 1 in any city your are defending (explained in next message)

A great layering unit something every defending city should have. They are best against regular Calvary but with enough of them can also stop HC. Pike have a 2 death 1 kill with cavalry and a 3 death per 1 kill for heavy Calvary. When you scout someone and your scouts die this is the best unit to use to kill scouts. They can kill a crap ton of scouts without losing many if any troops. But not only will they kill all the scouts the next unit that will run out and say hi to them (after the scouts are dead) is the regular Calvary… and nothing kills regular Calvary better than pike. If I am attacking in the blind (they killed my scouts) I will send 5k pike in… now if they have traps and what not I will take them out with the pike and other field defences… but once they are gone 5k pike will kill all of there scouts and now u can send a scout in and see what u are up against.

Bang for the dollar this is the best unit made. It is pretty good on attacks and also a great defender. You can barb with them. The Archer is the work horse of this game. Although other units can carry more or are faster or have me defense or more attack. The archer is the most well rounded of all troops. As long as you have other troops to stand in front of your archers they are a great defence.
When attacking a player with millions of troops nothing will kill everything in 1 wave. But 100k archers marching in on a layered defence will still kill about 40k or there archers. If you and the rest of the alliance can send 60 waves at a player that will take out about 2.4 million archers (if the bad guy had that many) I like to send 10% swords and 90% archers.. the swords are a little faster and have better defence than the archer and will help the archers get off more shots and kill more (even though the swords will kill nothing). When barbing with Archers I attack level 4-7 with archers. the ratio of how many archers to send per level changes are your researches go up. By the time you have Fletching and the what not up to level 10 you will only need 40k archers to take out a level 7 barb (make sure your idle knight is above 100 skill).

Swords have good defence and are faster than Archers but are not fast enough. If you send 100k swords against 100k archers every sword would be dead before the swords can reach the archers. I use some swords with my archers (see above) and I keep them in my cities I am defending in as they are 1 more layer to defend with. If the guy you are attacking is not defending and just has Xbows to take out you can use swords to take the Xbows out. You need to send a minimum of 3 swords per Xbow

This is a great unit but it has its weakness. It is fast and can carry a lot. They are great for long range raids. They are also a great barbing unit. Use 1k for level 1 barb and 2k for level 2 barb and 4k for a level 3 barb. Also keep 1 in every city you are defending.

Heavy Calvary
This is a great unit. They take a long time to build and they eat a lot but WOW they can do some damage against the bad guys. If the guy did not layer his defence and all you are facing is 250k archers… just send in the HC and 100k HC will kill off all of the archers. the defence for this is a good layered defence. With 200k Pike and 400k archers the HC will run into the pike (kill like 20-30k pike) and then just die with all the archers hitting them. Get rid of the pike and the 100k HC will kill off about 310k archers. You can also barb with HC. 1K for a level 1 and 2 k for a level 2 and 3k for a level 3.
When I send in the HC I like to send regular Calvary with then in the ratio of 10% regs and 90% HC. The regs will hit the spiked defence first and take them out, the Xbows and archers will take out the the regs. Then the HC run up and kill the Xbows and archers. this way you will lose less HC. I have also been told archers and HC are a deadly combo but have not played with the ratio and need to do some testing. If any of you have info on archer/HC will you please send it to me?

Supply wagon
You need them (enough said)

The best defence unit in the game, as long as you have a layered defence. Like the archers they are great at killing from a distance but do not like melee type units in there face. Calvary or HC will take them out if they are get close enough. As long as you have other troops ready to run out and say hi the balli will chew up the bad guys. The Balli has a couple of things that hurt it. 1- it is slow.. although they will kill a lot of troops if you attack with them it takes a very long time for them to get there and unless the guy is close most likely by the time the balli arrive you will be facing a fully reinforced city. 2- they are PIGS they eact a crap ton of food and unless you are a barbing master it will be hard for you to keep more than 100k at a time without running out of food. You can also barb with them (ratio is with 100 skill knight and max level researches) 28k for a level 8 barb and 54K for a 9 barb